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Substantial evidence supports the value of outdoor education programs for promoting healthy adolescent development, yet measurement of program outcomes often lacks rigor. Accurately assessing the impacts of programs that seek to promote positive youth development is critical for determining whether youth are benefitting as intended, identifying best practices and areas for improvement, and informing decisions about which programs to invest in.We generated brief, customized instruments for measuring three outcomes among youth participants in Baltimore City Outward Bound programs: conflict management, emotional self-efficacy, and problem solving confidence. Measures were validated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of pilot-testing data from two groups of program participants. We describe our process of identifying outcomes for measurement, developing and adapting measurement instruments, and validating these instruments.The finalized measures support evaluations of outdoor education programs serving urban adolescent youth. Such evaluations enhance accountability by determining if youth are benefiting from programs as intended, and strengthen the case for investment in programs with demonstrated success.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the characteristics and results of two different approaches to urban regeneration which we have termed ‘Metagovernance’ and ‘Pluricentric coordination’ following. We studied this through a comparative study of area-based, participatory urban regeneration projects in Denmark and Japan, representing each one approach. The paper aims to clarify results of the two approaches in terms of five aspects of urban regeneration, relevant to the process and results: (1) strategic spatial improvement, (2) influence of the legal system and transparency of the processes, (3) empowerment of citizens and diversity of participants, (4) innovative capacity (diversity and creativity of the projects) and (5) continuity and flexibility of the projects. The paper concludes that each approach has strengths and weaknesses and that each country can learn from the other to strengthen future participatory urban regeneration.  相似文献   
以男性出轨者为研究对象,分析出轨原因:成本付出少,外在诱因多。从博弈论中的囚徒困境,建立模型对男性 出轨者的多重选择进行利益分析,并且从情感收益角度提出相应对策,为婚姻幸福另辟蹊径。  相似文献   
Decentralized wastewater management (DWWM) has recently gained much attention in wastewater management (WWM) due to its build-as-you-go principal. Rapid urban development and the widespread impact of wastewater require sustainable ways to test the DWWM approach. This paper aims to examine and discuss the potential of Bangkok’s current WWM approaches for urban development, focusing on decentralized management approaches. General WWM approaches were examined using case study research methods. Three WWM cases were selected for detailed investigation. Residential wastewater user surveys and expert interviews were used to support system performance findings of service providers and recipients, as well as to draw lessons learned. Results show that DWWM is economically and technically efficient, demonstrating potential for sustainable urban development (SUD) in the study area. The competitive cost found is a result of less sewer line, simple technology, and limited additional costs, while the high efficiency is a result of good operation and maintenance. Also the reclaimed water has been used for landscape irrigation of the urban greenery. Sustainability of the system lies in social value of public amenity it provides, and the urban planning implication that it could be an option for smart growth. The results also show that even in an inner urban area DWWM does not conflict with any SUD considerations. Thus, the study recommends using DWWM for new development within both public and private properties based on Bangkok’s case as part of long-term urban development.  相似文献   
知行合一是道德教育的最终目标。所谓知行合一即知与行的统一,是一个从道德规范到道德行为的动态过程。然而,当前存在着诸多影响知行合一的负面因素。因此,要做到道德教育的知行合一,不仅要解决制度问题,而且要提供相应的物质基础;不仅要营造相应的社会环境,而且要弘扬知行合一的文化传统,还要对道德教育的方式加以改造。  相似文献   
从1997年全国第一个综合执法试点建立到现在,城管队伍已经经过了15年的发展。新闻媒体上越演越烈的城管执法冲突事件,给这个直面大众的城市管理部门蒙上了一层阴影。本文以昆明市五华区为例,探究执法者、被执法者以及第三方(其他城市居民)的心理情感和冲突感知,据此剖析城管执法冲突发生的原因,并从转变执法理念、完善法制建设、提高人员素质、调整执法方式、加强舆论宣传等方面提出解决冲突对策。  相似文献   
边疆民族地区现代化进程的推进导致很多少数民族群体的农地被征用,催生了一个新的边缘化群体即失地少数民族。该群体不仅丧失了生存与发展的基础,而且面临着组织与制度资源的匮乏,陷入了一种新的结构二元困境中。要打破失地少数民族面临的二元困境,不止要限制地方和基层政权组织的权力,积极培育和加强少数民族自身的组织建设以扩大地权,在征地中还应遵循程序正义和差别正义的理念,尊重少数民族生存与发展的权利。  相似文献   
媒体传播中思想政治教育的实质是价值导向与价值选择的过程,这种选择使媒体和传播者时时处于一种两难的境地。造成这种情形的主要原因是现代传播的双重属性、多样性、多渠道性和传播者责任和自律意识的缺失。破解困境的途径是弘扬受众意识,对受众要有最诚挚的道德责任感,遵循思想政治教育传播的规律,实现社会效益与经济效益协同发展,守住自己捍卫社会良知的道德底线。  相似文献   
在德育研究中有着"划时代转变"美誉的柯尔伯格道德理论,是一个开放和不断完善的理论体系。通过运用视域转化的方法对柯尔伯格理论的实证主义内核进行剖析,揭示了柯尔伯格道德发展理论的哲学困境——其道德发展理论必然走向实证主义的反面即神学阶段。在此基础上,审视和反思了柯尔伯格的道德发展理论,认为必须在道德发展观、道德教育观、道德教育主体观、德育方法论和德育中介论等五个方面加以重点研究和考量,才能为道德发展理论的研究路径确定新的方向和思路。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,公益用地成为人们生活中必不可少的组成部分。文章界定了公益用地的概念和特点,以太原市为例,在分析了公益用地扩大带来的益处与所存在的不足基础上,根据其发展趋势,总结并提出集约利用、健全法规以及增加资金渠道等建议。  相似文献   
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